CYBORG physics based simulation engine offers an impressive array of cutting edge simulation technologies at reasonable cost.......more
CYBORG Physics Demonstration
ROVATTS (Remotely Operated Vehicle Adaptable Training/Tracking Systems) --- The ROVATTS approach provides a low-cost, PC-based simulation capability with a robust, reconfigurable architecture that allows the development of virtually any (air, ground or sea-based) UVS simulator for R&D, T&E, and Training/Mission Rehearsal applications whether stand-alone or distributed......more
- ROVATTS - MQ-9 MTD-LITE Simulator (Coming Soon)
LiteFlite® Reconfigurable Flight Simulators provides low-cost, high-fidelity reconfigurable platforms that allow crews to train and practice in individual and networked team training environments with high-fidelity aero, weapons and OTW visual and sensor scenes.......more
LiteFlite® Carrier Operations
Hero-FPS (First Person Shooter) enables the user to become a first-person simulator operating in stand-alone (self-contained) or networked (distributed) exercise modes to support a variety of research and development, hardware-in-the-loop testing, and individual / team training requirements.....more
ATD can provide experienced software engineers ready to augment your design, development and testing teams. Call ATD today to explore how we may help with your engineering needs.
LIFE - based scene content allows customers to experience realistic virtual-worlds, “alive” with content, while executing scenario-based training using ATD's extensive simulation products . No longer are crews forced to scan a barren landscape dotted with minimal amounts of entities. Instead they are immersed in a virtual environment teaming with activity that replicates the real world. Whether it’s insurgents emplacing IEDs, children playing soccer or following a vehicle through a traffic jam in a major city, LIFE provides a means to create realistic and challenging environments well suited for training crew members who are involved in conducting reconnaissance/surveillance, gathering intelligence and/or employing weapons......more
Arizona Border Crossing
DirtMover is a low cost database production suite of tools. It has a simple to use and easy to learn interface for both Programmers & Artists.....more
GeoSource-RTB (Rapid Terrain Builder) enables warfighters to rapidly create (within hours) round-earth visual / sensor databases with “to-the-horizon” rendering for training, mission rehearsal, and operational use.....more
Real-World Databases are PC-focused and OpenFlight / TerraPage compatible. Available baseline products include geo-typical and geo-specific visual / sensor databases and fully-correlated CTDB for SAF environments......more
Real-World Visual Models set a new standard in realism and functionality for virtual training environments. Available baseline products include a variety of realistically photo-textured, multiple level-of-detail vehicles for air, space, land and maritime-based applications......more
Spectator (NEXWARS) includes advanced stealth features for direct connection to a variety of simulation hosts (including ATD's’ LiteFlite® Reconfigurable Simulator and ROVATTS UVS Simulators) through HLA / DIS networks and operational interfaces such as OTH-Gold.......more
Multiple source image visualization and utilization
ATD has extensive experience in utilizaing various geo-referenced satellite and drone imagery in the creation of... more