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September 12, 2012 - SDS Delivers LIFE-Based AI-Driven Scene Content Capability to Air National Guard (ANG) Mission Training Devices (MTD)


SDS International (SDS) recently began delivery of major upgrades designed to significantly improve tactical training using MQ-1 and MQ-9 MTDs in stand-alone or networked environments. The upgrades focus on integration of SDS’ LIFE-based, Artificially Intelligent (AI)-driven scene content software with fielded ANG MTDs, plus significant MTD Instructor Operator Station (IOS) hardware/software upgrades needed to ensure effective LIFE-based scenario development/execution by system operators. To facilitate immediate usage, the upgrades also include the development/delivery of numerous content-rich, LIFE-based scenarios supporting a variety of realistic tactical mission training events including Patterns-of-Life, Armed-Overwatch, Reconnaissance and Close-Air-Support.

SDS’ AAcuity® LIFE-based constructive scene content capability, developed and delivered by SDS’ Advanced Technologies Division, Orlando, Florida, includes AI-driven content (vehicles, aircraft, humans, animals and special-effects) required to support effective ground-based simulation training, plus Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) and airborne weapons employment training using manned and unmanned aircraft simulations in virtually any urban or open-terrain simulation training environment. LIFE-based scene content software includes two integral components: the LIFE-Content Development Tool (CDT) and the Runtime Application (RA). For MTD deliveries, SDS fully integrated the LIFE-CDT with the MTD’s upgraded IOS software allowing seamless MTD-system/LIFE-scenario mission planning/ execution from the improved IOS 2D and 3D displays. SDS also integrated the LIFE RA software with existing MTD capabilities using a server-approach that ensures exact correlation of scene content between the pilot and sensor operator stations. That approach also supports propagation of LIFE scene content from the MTD to—and interaction with--virtually any other live, virtual or constructive (LVC) component operating in a networked (local or distributed) environment. For other applications, SDS also offers LIFE as a stand-alone application (combining the CDT and RA components into one laptop or PC-based system similar to other Semi-Automated Force applications) fully capable of supporting a variety of LVC components typically included in a Distributed Mission Operations (DMO) training, mission rehearsal and research applications.